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Shorinji Tetsuken Do (Young Forest Temple Iron Fist Way)


The history of Shorin Ji Tetsuken Do begins at the Shaolin Temple around 1377A.D.Originally called Chuan Fa this Fist method would develop over hundreds of years becoming the Iron Fist Method, “Tetsuken Do”.The Origins of the “Iron Fist Method” specifically come from China from the Order of the Shaolin Temple where the Five Animal Style was practiced, The Tiger,Crane,Snake,Leopard and Dragon were learned as well the Praying Mantis,the Monkey and the Old Fist Art of the Ram’s Head. After the burning of the Shaolin Temple by the Manchu’s a Shaolin Monk by the name of Yon Ho Chen fled the Shaolin “Young Forest” Temple to the Zhejiang Province. Yon Ho Chen taught his son Lee Ho Chen the Martial Art of Saulin Szu Pau Ming Chuan, meaning in English”Young Forest Temple 8 Fists of the Ming Dynasty. Lee Ho Chen taught this Martial Art to his student Lee Chi Wang who succeeded him inheriting the Soden Scroll. The Soden contained the complete history and lineage of the Martial Art dating back to 1377A.D.The older spelling of Shaolin Ji was “Saulin Szu”. Lee Chi Wang left China moving to Korea known as Chosen “Morning Calm”. The Land of the Furious Ones. In Korea the Iron Fist way was named So Rim Sa Churl Kwon Dua. The style was inhanced by the Kicking of Taek Kyon and the Martial Arts of Tang Su and Kong Su. The last Asian Master of The “Iron Fist Way” was Kim Chi Kooh.The Grandson of Lee Chi Wang.Master Kooh taught the Iron Fist Method called Kwon Bup in Yong Dung Po,Korea after World War Two.This style was called Kempo during the Japanese occupation from 1894 to 1945.In 1950 Master Kooh would meet a Young American Marine named Albert Church during the Korean War. Master Kooh taught Church the Iron Fist method until 1952. Church returned home to the United States earning a third degree ranking in the art. Master Kooh would move to Mishima Shi Japan in 1954.Here in Japan the martial art was known as Shorin Ji Tetsuken Do Kempo, formally known as So Rim Sa Churl Kwon Do in Korea.On November 1st 1967 Master Kooh named Albert Church Jr. his Successor and the Inheritor of the Martial Art of Shorinji Tetsuken Do.


Sijo Kim Chi Kooh(1881-1967)

The Shorinji Tetsuken Do Kempo name comes from the Japanese occupation of Korea which began in 1894 and ended in 1945 after World War Two. During the Japanese occupation,the Martial Art was called Shorinji Tetsu Kempo. All Koreans were forced to adopt Japanese customs and speak the Japanese language.Originally in the Korean language the Martial Art was called Kwon Bup being named So Rim Sa Churl Kwon Do. Before coming to Korea the Martial Art was taught in China being called Chuan Fa in Chinese the Martial Art was called Sau lin Szu Pa Ming Chuan Fa. This history of the Martial Art is recorded upon the rice paper scroll of the Soden.

Yong Dong Po Korea 1950

So Rim Sa Churl Kwon Do was the Korean name for the Iron Fist method after World War Two.This was the name Master Kooh used when he taught martial arts in Korea.The Iron Fist Method was considered a Kwon Bup Art.Kwon Bup was the name Koreans used for Chuan Fa.Master Kooh was a respected teacher around the city of Seoul,South Korea. He taught in the area known as Yong Dong Po.

Japanese Occupation of Korea

Seoul South Korea 1955 after the Korean War, Various Kwans united to form Tae Kwon Do. Master Kooh moved in 1954 to Mishima Shi Japan. 

In 1967 Master Kooh called his long time student Albert Church to Japan. Master Kooh was dying of stomach cancer. On November 1st 1967 Master Kooh named Albert Church as his Successor of Shorin Ji Tetsuken Do. Master Kooh died on November 10th 1967.

Soke Church's House outside of the back gate of the Camp Zama Japan where Albert Curtis Church Jr. The 13th Lineage Successor of Shorinji Tetsuken Do Kempo taught at the Army based Dojo in. Camp Zama. Shihan Church also taught Shito Ryu Karate Do here.

Picture above-Mishima Shi Japan 1967

Kim Chi Kooh died November 10th, 1967 of Stomach Cancer. Master Kooh was the 12th Generation Successor of the Shorinji Tetsuken Do. On November 1st, 1967 he named Albert Curtis Church Jr. the 13th Generation  Successor. 

Albert Church would return home from Japan to Charleston South Carolina in 1969

Tara Dai Mon Temple in Mishima Shi Japan 

 This is the Temple where Master Kooh named Albert Curtis Church his Lineage Successor and Inheritor and gave him the Soden. The Sacred Scroll of the Lineage of Shorinji Tetsu Kempo.